So today I groomed Timmy. I bathed him, shaved his fuzzy back and chest, clipped his muzzle etc. By the time I was done he was one p****d off dude. So we went and had a nap.
Well I had told Hatz4bratz hat I would try to get some better shots of Timmy in her clothes. So I set everything up, got some treats and crossed my fingers. Well Timmy has been very difficult to say the least for the last while to do anything with. He is an older man now and gets quite grumpy. He seemed to enjoy the warm lights and the treats though so we got some cute clothing shots. They were quickly edited but if Hatz4brats wants them I can clean them up.
These are his "camo" jammies

These are his "rock and roll" jammies

ANYHOO... I am sitting at my computer working on the pics when I look up and see this!!!!

Timmy meant business. He had grabbed his glasses and put on his most professional tie. You know when Timmy means business because this tie has purple in it and Timmy LOVES purple.BTW..the white streak in the front of Timmy's hair is natural. He has the most beautiful silver and grey hair.
So he starts going on about modeling rights, royalties, terms and conditions. He starts making demands of things He wants in the studio. I knew he was a diva..but come on...So he starts going on about how he is not just another pretty face and he is a character actor and I need to take him more seriously.

So we finally made some terms up, I finally signed off and he walked away all pleased with himself. No wonder they say don't work with animals..geez...

We won't be posting again for a couple of days because Timmy and I always watch the Westminster Dog show from Madison Square Gardens every year. It is on Mon and Tues. and I hope I get the channel it is being shown on. Timmy is quite catty with his comments about all the dogs and always says he would have won it had his past been different..who knows..maybe he is right!
Lol! Timmy looks awesome as a business man. So smart and handsome!!! I love the rock and roll jammies tho. I rather like him in pink... it's a good colour for him if he's okay without purple for a teensy bit, hee hee hee!
Face it, you secretly LOVE working with animals :P
Precious :)Thanks so to add him to the shoppe :)
No matter what, Timmy is a winner..
What wonderful pictures..He makes me laugh..everytime I see his little face..What a darling dog..and so lucky to have you..
Timmy looks very distinguished in his purple tie! Those are wonderful photos with a wonderful model:)
Absolutely awesome photos!!
I guess my Kinsey is not the only clothes hound in town. I'm not going to tell her about Timmy's modeling rights, royalties, terms and conditions. She'll want to hire him to represente her! I'd love to know how you clean out the background on your photos. Great shots of the shepherd and pony dressed in frost.
Timmy looks lovely!
Very cute! I love the pics :)
Timmy is looking quite studious. :)
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