Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Almost Wordless Wednesday

Sorry I havn't been posting or visiting blogs but Timmy's infection is back. 8 weeks of a different antibiotic, more blood tests and a sickly little dog. 
Between work, vet visits, cuddles and worry my time is stretched..
So here he is with his bed warmer Buster who like to use Timmy as a pillow when he is not bothering him.


dellartist said...

So sorry about Timmy! Hope he is feeling better soon. It is good to see his little companion is hard at work taking care of him. Prayers and hugs!

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

Poor little Timmy! There is nothing worse than a sick pet. I'll keep him in my thoughts and you too for the stress you are under.

Rosebud Collection said...

Oh my, this is upsetting..hope Timmy is better..I was under the weather too..nothing serious, but kept me from the computer..Hope all is well with you..will be praying for Timmy..
xoCarolyn/Rosebud. said...

I hope he is feeling better! xoxo

Rosebud Collection said...

Have been terrible blogging, but wanted to check on you..Hope all is well and kind of worried about Timmy, since you haven't put anything here.
Take care..xoCarolyn

Rosebud Collection said...

Have been terrible blogging, but wanted to check on you..Hope all is well and kind of worried about Timmy, since you haven't put anything here.
Take care..xoCarolyn

Darlene - What is PhD by Publication? said...

I am sorry to hear about Timmy having another infection. I know that cannot be the easiest thing to deal with. Take your time with blogging and take care of your special pet.

My Website: What is PhD by Publication?

World of Animals, Inc said...

We hope Timmy is feeling much better. Time to enjoy your Wednesday in bed just relaxing. Thanks for sharing the update. Have a wonderful upcoming weekend.
World of Animals